Sunday, November 26, 2017

Free Rent Agreement Form. #homes #rent


Lease agreement

FREE RENT AGREEMENT FORM (please print clearly)


Produced between _______________________________ [Landlord] and also _________________________ [Tenant(s)].

For good consideration It’s agreed between the parties as follows:

1. Landlord hereby leases and rents to Tenant the premises describes as follows:

____________________________________________________________________________ [rented premises]

2. This Lease shall be in effect for a duration of _____ year(s), commencing on _____________________, 20____

And terminating on ______________________.

3. Tenant shall pay Landlord the Yearly rent of $_______________ during said term,

In monthly payments of $_____, each, payable monthly in advance.

4. Tenant shall at its own expense provide the following utilities: ______________________________________

Landlord shall at its own cost provide the following utilities

5. Tenant further agrees that:

A] prior to the expiration of the lease it will return possession of the rented premises in its present condition,

Reasonable wear and tear, and fire casualty excepted. Tenant shall commit no waste to the rented premises.

B] It shall not assign or sub-let or allow any other person to occupy the rented premises without Landlord’s

Written consent.

C] It shall not make any material or structural alterations to the leased premises without Landlord’s

Written consent.

D] It shall comply with all building, zoning and health codes and other applicable legislation for said rented premises.

E] It shall not run a business deemed extra hazardous, a hassle or necessitating increased fire insurance


Tenant warrants the premises shall be used for the following type business:

_________________________________________________________ [Company Description]

F] In the event of any violation of this payment of rent or any other permitted cost, or other violation of the lease,

Landlord shall have full rights to terminate this Lease in accordance with state legislation and re-enter to claim

Ownership of the rented premises, along with such other remedies.

6. This lease shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of those parties, their successors, assigns

And representatives.

7. Added Lease conditions: _________________________________________________________________

Signed under seal this afternoon of ____________________, 20____.

_______________________________ [Landlord] _______________________________ [Tenant(s)]

Copyright 2000 US Landlord. All rights reserved. Visit for tenant credit reports, mortgage loans, free rental forms and much more.



Saturday, November 25, 2017

Some Pricey Hotels Will Let Guests Rent Rooms From The Minute — Consumerist

Leasing a hotel room out with the hour used to be a clear indicator of. The current era of “pod” resorts and airport travel channels has removed some of the stigma R…

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Friday, November 24, 2017

You can Lease a Space in Alexander Hamilton Construction

A nation and Lin-Manuel Miranda inspired, maybe when you resided you could turn into a national treasure! Keri Lumm (@thekerilumm) reports on the rooms for lease in his old NYC construction.

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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

No Rent for Rats

On the night of June 29, 2015, countless tenants and activists assembled at Cooper Union’s Great Hall near Astor Place in Manhattan. They had been built to watch a vote by the Rent Guidelines Board, which regulates the rents of the more than 1 thousand rent-stabilized leases of New York.

As it was set in 1969, the board had voted to raise rents every year. However, this season was different. Skyrocketing also a campaign between dozens of groups across the city , sympathetic press coverage, rents, along with a fresh and supportive mayor supposed that the voice of tenants had been louder than it was in decades.

The board voted not to allow rent raises. Tenants rejoiced. Landlords were outraged and the move “unconscionable.” In actuality, the activists won only some of the needs. The landlords of New York were as powerful as ever. However, the 2015 lease freeze revealed that in a town tenant power was kicking and alive.

Who decides where and what home is to be supplied, at what price? The two most celebrities, the real-estate business and the country, have never had complete control over the home system. They have had to compete, 1 way or another, together with the ability of the inhabitants of housing, particularly when they take the form of coordinated housing moves.

Housing movements are very popular struggles by people for whom home means home, not property. They mobilize on behalf, even at the phrasing of Henri Lefebvre, of “all individuals who occupy.”

All kinds of home activism discuss the personal lifeworld against political and economic pressures and a common function: the defense of residence. Housing moves fight for home as home contrary to political ends and the economic for; for use values against exchange values; for interests contrary to the interests of banks, landlords, developers, and investors.

During its history, home moves helped shape New York City. From the founding of the Tenant League by Irish-American militants in the 1840s into the organizing of the town’s first lease strikes by Yiddish-speaking radicals in the 1900s, also from the prevalent housing insurrections that extended in the late 1910s before the 1930s into the civil rights and Black Power-inspired activism of the 1960s and early 1970s, social moves worked to secure many of the distinguishing elements of the town’s housing system. Without the requirements of activists, the city might not have enacted rent control or established the biggest and most effective housing authority of the nation.

But beginning in the mid 1970s, renter power faced obstacles. In the years after the crisis, New York failed a regime shift. The town’s social democratic polity, limited and contradictory as it had been, given to some growth model.

At first, under the administrations of both Abe Beame and Ed Koch, the process took the form of cutbacks and privatization. Later more aggressive policies were rolled out. The whole process was run by, and in turn led to, an epochal shift in the economy of the city.

New York was undergoing industrial job reduction for two decades since the summit in 1950 of manufacturing. However, by the 1970s, deindustrialization wreaked havoc on the town’s working-class neighborhoods. The fund, insurance, and also real-estate industries enlarged.

The city’s neoliberal transformation initially spurred two trends in home: gentrification and abandonment. These processes appeared to be polar opposites, however, they were recognized by crucial observers as either of the identical coin. Both were impacts of the commodification of home in the context of rapid economic shift. Both were exacerbated by government policy. And became targets for home activists.

Abandonment and Activism

Abandonment brought waves of destruction into New York areas. Several walked away from them when landlords determined that maintaining their possessions had been prosperous. Some, searching for insurance payouts, also set their possessions tenants — with or without on fire inside.

The speed of abandonment exploded, as New Yorkers faced impoverishment and increased joblessness. There were roughly one million abandoned buildings a figure that increased to about seven million, in 1961. For most of the 1970s, the city lost almost forty thousand units per year.

Into the 1980s, the mixture of abandonment, arson, service cuts, and eventually the AIDS epidemic led to fatal and mutually reinforcing housing and health disasters.

The activists’ response to the catastrophe was supposed to take matters in their own hands. Groups such as Los Sures at Williamsburg and Banana Kelly at Longwood helped tenants take immediate control of deserted properties and turn them.

Some of these efforts began with rent strikes that were successful. Landlords just stop, leaving well-organized tenants with months’ worth of additional lease that they invested in fixing their buildings themselves. In different cases, homesteaders moved into shells that were emptied together with the explicit intent to rehabilitate them through sweat equity.

Many buildings that were abandoned by taxpayers became government land. Throughout the legal process of at rem acquisition, the city could take ownership of properties in tax arrears.

By 1979 the city possessed thousand occupied and off thousand apartments that were empty. The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development became, following the New York City Housing Authority, the second-biggest landlord at New York.

The town’s huge stock of in rem properties let it expand the supply of low-income home. But with a government unwilling and not able to use the crisis to transform its home system at a deeper way, at rem “became,” as Frank Marconi has composed, “an expensive emblem of all that New York’s progressive housing convention had sought to avoid.”

In some places, the city was shown to be as careless as the worst lease gouger. In different parts of the town, the city used its in rem possessions, in addition to tax subsidies such as J-51 and 421-a, as the building blocks for state-led gentrification.

“Gentrification Is Class War!”

At exactly the identical period as abandonment was destroying some areas, gentrification was displacing poor residents from other people. Activism pretended to be established and fractured. But from the beginnings of gentrification in the city in the 1970s and 1980s, groups cried loudly to displacement, commodification, and profiteering, and alternatives.

On the Lower East Side, speculators pursued the well-worn strategy of forcing rent-regulated tenants outside purchasing tenements, and increasing the lease. The city wanted to use its substantial inventory of buildings obtained through in rem to quicken the region’s redevelopment.

In response, home groups such as the Cooper Square Community Development Committee and Good Ole Lower East Side (GOLES) united cities, settlement homes, social care providers, along with other people to make the Lower East Side Joint Planning Council (JPC).

Having seen the way the redevelopment procedure had flipped SoHo into an exclusive enclave, the JPC put forward a series of plans to stem speculation in the area, such as home but focusing on cooperatives that are cheap.

Nonetheless, the city pushed forward with the strategy to privatize its holdings in the area. Despite some concessions to the JPC, evictions, rent increases, and conversions became regular occurrences about the Lower East Side.

This pattern was replicated throughout the city. Plans were proposed at the community level and then disregarded by the city. Anti-gentrification activists were not the refuseniks that their critics made them out to be. They offered their own dreams of what the areas must become. But especially as New York’s housing market came back back to profitability these options were ignored as real-estate interests overpowered neighborhood organizations.

Some of the fiercest resistance to the Lower East Side came from squatters. Growing from the strategic squatting in the 1970s, represented by actions such as Operation Move-In, by the 1980s squatting is now a more powerful motion. Evictions raids, water and power stoppages, and battles with the police were common. Groups such as the Urban Homestead Assistance Board (UHAB) helped squatters and homesteaders and, as it became mandatory, aided them negotiate with the city concerning the legal position of the houses.

But squatting proved to have serious limitations as a home strategy. The struggles of squats presented different problems than many other activities. Some squatters voiced concerns that they might be “the actual storm troopers of gentrification.” Others were individuals acting independently seeking to secure home for themselves with no relation to campaigns that are broader. And the squatters encountered opposition and polarized public comment regarding their approach to land rights.

Squatters, social workers, community organizations, and neighborhood characters all looked in one of the most notorious moments of the late home motion: the Tompkins Square Park Riot of 1988.

The park was a flashpoint in battles over home and neighborhood change in Manhattan. In the Lower East Side’s neighboring streets, speculation and rising rents had placed the area on edge. Anger was focused on one sixteen-story construction that abutted Tompkins Square, the Christadora House.

The building had housed a welfare area, a community centre, and a chapter of the Black Panther Party prior to being boarded up and sentenced to a private bidder in 1978. Using a number of tax breaks and subsidies, Citibank backed its conversion into luxury condominiums in 1984. The construction was made that an icon of their home inequality by conspicuous prosperity in a sea of poverty’s appearance. 1 resident author said that neighborhood activists regarded the construction as “Satan incarnate.”

From the summer of 1988, the New York City Police Department had sought to apply a 1:00 AM curfew in the park in response to incidents that were earlier. At the night of August 6, countless folks — squatters, tenants, the homeless, punks, musicians, and assorted others — built at the square. Equipped with firecrackers and boom boxes, chanting “Die Yuppie Scum” while carrying banners announcing “Gentrification Is Class War!” They and more than four hundred riot police clashed.

Following the Tompkins Square uprising, it became clear that weak and working-class tenants faced pressures.

A Common Enemy

That In the 1990s, real-estate speculation and cutbacks in government applications directed once more to worsening housing crisis. Rents jumped, as construction owners tried to get rid of rent-regulated tenants and evictions followed. The quantities of rent-stabilized and subsidized apartments shrank.

These trends would continue into the present day. For its non-rich, home in New York became ever more precarious.

Throughout the Giuliani and Bloomberg decades, the home landscape became unequal and unaffordable. Luxurious development spread out from its traditional heartlands to colonize the corners of the city. Landlords in “Traditional” neighborhoods hired attorneys and thugs to assist them kick out tenants out of rent-regulated units. Low-income households crammed in to spaces, moved further out from the middle, and spent ever more time working to pay inflated rents.

Housing activists were, demonized by Rudy Giuliani, the mayor from 1994 through 2001. Giuliani ordered the beating of squats, and he superbly launched a vindictive war contrary to the homelessness and AIDS nonprofit group Housing Works in addition to other housing organizations.

His successor, Michael Bloomberg, was antagonistic. The government liked to boast that the New Housing Marketplace application preserved or had developed more than 160,000 units of affordable housing. But that program largely assisted middle-class households with incomes well over the poverty line.

For Bloomberg, the city has been “a luxury product,” and now he dreamed of luring “a lot of billionaires around the globe to move here.” The communities that they represented along with Housing activists felt that they had no place at the luxury city of Bloomberg.

Among those home bands that emerged in Bloomberg’s New York is the Movement for Justice at El Barrio (MJB). The group had been set by migrants and other low-income residents of East Harlem, carrying inspiration both from revolutionary movements such as the Zapatistas and out of the direct-action approaches of groups such as Take Back the Land. MJB organizes against displacement and what they explicitly call “neoliberal gentrification” within this working-class, cosmopolitan community.

Their “International Declaration in Defense of El Barrio,” printed in English and Spanish at March 2008, declares:

The struggle for justice means fighting for the liberation of gays, immigrants, lesbians, people of color, women and the transgender community. We all share a common enemy and it’s called neoliberalism.

The struggle in East Harlem links housing issues into antiracism, native rights, and also a struggle to transform capitalism:

This displacement is produced ambition, by the greed and violence of a worldwide empire of money that attempts to take control of of the land, labour and life in the world. Here in El Barrio (East Harlem, New York City), landlords, both multinational companies and local, state, and national politicians and institutions want to push us their culture of money, they want to displace poor households and rent their own apartments to rich people, white people with money … they would like to displace us to attract within their luxury restaurants, their expensive and large clothing shops, their supermarket chains. They wish to change our neighborhood. They wish to change our culture. They wish to change that which makes us Asian, African-American, Latino, and Indigenous. They wish to change everything that makes us El Barrio.

Dawnay Day, a London-based property and financial services company issued in response to the $ 225 million purchase of forty-seven buildings in East Harlem MJB’s declaration.

Dawnay Day executives have been famous because of their penchant for yachts, art gathering — and renter harassment. According to activists, the business shut off power and heat, enabled vermin and rats to propagate, also charged for fixes, all in a bid to chase out longtime occupants and substitute them with a more lucrative class of tenant. Its director had openly pledged”to deliver along Harlem’s gentrification.”

Groups such as MJB, Community Voices Heard (CVH) and others became a vital lifeline for residents after Dawnay Day went bust, leaving their buildings in administrative and legal limbo.

Throughout the Bloomberg era, in a fashion reminiscent of the motion contrary to renewal, neighborhoods across the city coordinated from displacement, megaprojects, and luxury home.

Opposition to the Bloomberg’s inequality years was one of those inspirations for Occupy Wall Street, which began their encampment at Zuccotti Park.

The movement’s biggest housing protest happened a couple of months later, when a faction called Occupy Our Homes headed a march and began a small occupation of foreclosed houses in Brooklyn.

Activists linked to the Occupy motion led a grassroots response distributing aid throughout the areas.

But since then, the housing division of the Occupy motion has, like most moves that preceded it become remission.

New Groups, Much Fight

Mayor Bill de Blasio, who took office on January 1, 2014, has closer ties to home activists than any mayor since La Guardia. His appointments and policies have made a difference in some instances.

A handful of projects have been forced to include less expensive units than originally planned and needed to maintain them “cheap” for longer. And his government has banned what home activists christened “poor doorways”– separate entrances into the “economical” spaces in the otherwise luxury apartment buildings that are constructed with precious height bonuses offered by the city in exchange for such as the below-market units.

But in contrast to space and the resources by luxury home absorbed, these changes look insignificant. Many home activists see the de Blasio government’s strategy as “too little, too late.” Other people view his policies as essentially a point of the of Bloomberg. And if the mayor himself maintained that a line, the housing policy of the city is.

The Rent Guidelines Board’s lease freeze vote is a case in point. The mayor’s appointees listened to tenant activists and voted not to raise rents. However, as tenants had demanded, the freeze did not extend to two-year leases, and action was taken to assist tenants.

When compared with the Giuliani or Bloomberg decades, the weather in New York today is amenable to home activism. Nevertheless the city’s huge structures are still arranged in favor of elite interests.

The protections to be able to insulate families from the violence of the 18, that earlier housing moves won are being steadily stripped away. Rent law has been undermined. Public home is at a undermaintained condition. Activists are currently working to maintain public housing and rent control around — their expansion seems a distant prospect.

In some ways, home activism in New York today has continuity with the past. Experienced associations such as the Metropolitan Council, Tenants & Neighbors, the Pratt Area Community Council, and also UHAB continue to have a Significant presence in the city. Grassroots organizations are still active in campaigns from displacement and for affordability, accessibility, and security, such as groups such as MJB, GOLES, CVH, the Committee from Anti-Asian Violence, along with Families United for Racial and Economic Equality.

The city is home in NYCHA developments in all five boroughs, in addition to to well-organized tenant unions in Chinatown, Crown Heights, Flatbush, and elsewhere. Following in the footsteps of groups such as the City-Wide Tenants League, a coalition of tenant organizations founded in 1936, home groups today run in alliances such as the Right to the City Alliance the Alliance for Tenant Power, along with Actual Affordability for All.

Housing activists are still rely on several battle-tested tools. A 2014 protest of two buildings on West 107th Street in Manhattan saw tenants chanting “No rent for rodents!” — a term used in the 1960s in Harlem by Jesse Gray within his tenant organizing. In 2010, the Right to the City ran a count of empty luxury condominiums and proposed appropriating them as home for low-income households — a tactic spanned by socialist-inspired activists throughout the 1920 home battles.

Rent strikes have been arranged in row homes of the outer boroughs and the fast gentrifying tenements in Sunset Park, Fort Greene, and elsewhere. Block evictions activists have marched to end landlord subsidies, and prevent lavish redevelopment plans. They have also taken into the streets to require rent controlefficient code enforcement, higher securityassistance for public housing, and even assistance for tenants’ rights. These are housing motion goals.

But the moves of today happen in a context where governmental possibilities have been constricted. There are just a few chances to debate with fundamental issues about the nature of the home system. Urban politics stays inside a consensus. There is space for motions to maintain choices within the boundaries of the modern debate.

New York’s home moves today are struggling against a city that is much more pliable and more aggressive than at any time since the Gilded Age that is past. The needs of people using home for living are pushed aside. However, the town’s tenants have been under attack. It’s never been long before they fought back.


Monday, November 20, 2017

Pictures: Sioux Falls escape rooms

A prop in a Getaway Area in Sherlock & Co. at Sioux Falls. The getaway area business is planning to swap out a room motif this year and add an additional escape area.

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Saturday, November 18, 2017

Secure Your Valuable Things From Children Hands By Using Our High Quality Products

When people think of safes, what usually comes to mind are generic-looking metal boxes where you can put your most valuable possessions in. However, the truth of the matter is that there are manufacturers out there who create luxury safes. How are they different from the ordinary safe?

They are different in that they are actually pieces of functional art. Think of industrial-strength steel and luxury materials like solid wood being assembled by hand to create made to the highest standards of safety. It’s not easy making a luxury safe. As we said before, they are made by hand, and so it’s not surprising that they cost thousands of dollars.

What are some names in the industry? We can think of the Brown brand, which is being used in government offices here and abroad at the different embassies. Of course, Brown is not the only brand there is. You will find many others. If you want to get a full list of luxury safe brands, purchase from site online.

If you think you can afford a luxury safe, you should get one. As we said before, they are great-looking functional art pieces. Yet, they are many times sturdier than the standard safe. Depending on the brand, you can choose from different types of safes. One is for holding jewelry, and another one for holding expensive watches.

What you want to do is to find the model that fits your needs. Aside from the type of content they hold, they also differ in terms of size. As you might expect, they come in small, medium, and large sizes.

Not all luxury safe brands are created alike, and you will find that even among the best, there are those that stand out. Make sure to check out what other people think is the best brand of luxury safes. At last, we will say make your valuables and documents secure with high-quality luxury safes.


Friday, November 17, 2017

White supremacist group sues College to rent room for Language

A white supremacist group filed a federal lawsuit on Sunday that asserts Michigan State University violated its First Amendment rights by refusing to rent a…

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Saturday, November 11, 2017

Friday, November 10, 2017


The campaign, which started together with the tagline “Host students and make tax-free money”, encourages Dublin homeowners to allow out spare spots as digs to students by marketing the available tax incentives.   Under legislation, homeowners don’t need to pay tax on rental income earned by digs unless it exceeds a yearly cap of $12,000, according to UCD Students’ marriage.   The project is currently valued at $8,000, and comprises blog post testimonials of encounters.   Pupils’ Union Presidents in UCD and TCD, Kieran McNulty along with Conor V

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Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Zeker zestig Britse flats niet brandveilig genoeg

Zeker zestig hoge gebouwen in het Verenigd Koninkrijk voldoen niet aan de brandveiligheidseisen. Dat blijkt uit testen die zijn uitgevoerd t p dodelijke new in een woontoren at Londen de Britse.

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Read Various Advantage Of Medical Products Here

There are many pot health benefits that you should aware of it. Also known as marijuana or hemp seeds, they all come from a plant called cannabis. They contain just a small amount of a chemical known as THC, and are full of many omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, and vitamins and minerals. There are also other reasons why these seeds are so popular. Here’s a quick overview of why you should consider adding these to your diet if you would like to improve your overall health.

How Pot Seeds Can Help Your Health

First of all, they have omega six and omega-3 fatty acids which are very helpful. They are able to help keep your skin looking healthy. They have more of this than other seeds like flaxseed or Chia seeds, but they also contain much more than that. They have vitamin E, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and iron. They also have calcium and can be consumed either in salads, or they can be pressed into a healthy oil that can be consumed.

Other Reasons Pot Seeds Are Healthy gives an important reason is that they contain the ability to thin the blood. When the blood vessels are able to dilate and relax because of the nitric acid that is in the seeds, it is able to help people reduce the possibility of having a stroke or heart attack. Once you had used these seeds for a period of time, perhaps two or three months, you will definitely see a noticeable change in the way that you look and feel. For those that have never tried them before, it is certainly one of the most nutritious foods on the planet, something that everyone should be taking if they are concerned about their appearance and their health.


Sunday, November 5, 2017

Decor Ideas for Guest Rooms

Creating a bedroom makes guests feel more welcome and comfortable, even though they could be far from your home. Get your decorating tips and information here!

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Friday, November 3, 2017

Insurance Alternatives for Blocks of Flats Insurance

If you manage own or have been a resident at a block of home flats or tenement apartment block, you will need specialist insurance because buildings insurance strategy will not provide.

Block of Flats Insurance, also referred to as block insurance, is a specialized insurance for blocks of apartments and flats that are converted or built. They are made for example homes transformed into a huge purpose built units and blocks.

If you own, manage or either you’re a leaseholder, freeholder, or control company in a home that is converted or block of apartments block insurance will be an insurance policy’s selection. The cover offered by systems that are routine will not frequently offer you the expert cover required for complete protection and peace of mind. There are three insurance choices available, if you’ve got a flat in a block.

Individual Flat Insurance

Residence insurance companies will look at providing cover for each apartment. Nevertheless, cover is not offered by many as apartments, mostly people in buildings that are older. They are more inclined to undergo a promise. There’s likewise the policy of deciding whose policy pays for what harm when flats are ruined like rainwater coming via the roof into the room, in a single event.

The Freeholder Arranges a Block Policy

In the majority of the western nations, there is a freeholder who owns the land that block of flats. Each flat owner is provided with a lease, everywhere from 99 years to 999 years. Although they’re commonly deemed to “own” the apartment, they’re only leasing or leasing, the land on which the unit sits. The freeholder is generally responsible for coordinating the insurance policy cover, which the individual owners will be paying for their shares.

The Flat Owner from a Control Company or Residents Association

This is when the owners form a group, to manage the possession of the construction between them. These can be formalized, through number of the company, or a casual grouping in names of the owners. These may also appear when the owners have an absentee freeholder, but would like to guard their property assets.

When selecting the preferred selection of insurance, then you need to know what cover can be found in a block of flats insurance policy.

The system will incorporate the structure and buildings. All procedures will consist of general liability insurance, if anybody is injured, because of the premises, or property has been damaged. For instance, if a roof tile falls off during a storm and also hit on somebody, this falls under the house owner’s accountability. Then this is covered as well if another individual’s car was hit by a different slate. If someone seen because the seat they sat on broke down their pals, who possessed a apartment, and was injured, which does not fall under the block policy.

The construction cover will also consist of flexible glass, fitted baths, sinks, and toilets. Fixed glass, could consist of sinks and showers, and toilets. In addition to all these insurance property, buildings, covers and glass owners accountability, there are private block insurance covers such as contents, loss of rental income and expenditures.

Based upon your choice, choose.


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Rent Stabilization NYC

Officials filed a lawsuit against the Parkoff Organization and entities, given that the landlord overcharged rent and illegally units that were deregulated.

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